Diario de Deserve Victory

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30 noviembre 2009

November 30 2009
I've been eating alot of crappy food lately. But I think I may not be getting enough calories on a regular day. I know I eat alot more on the weekends, and I seem to loose weight after the weekends. It also helps that I am done my period!

Have to be good this weekend. I have a Christmas party this weekend. And I will, in all likelihood, be drinking and eating lots.

I've been reading this book "The Smart Cookies' Guide to Making More Dough and Getting out of Debt". Its been really informative and such. Thought I haven't reached the part about how to make more money. But it has good debt and future planning advice. I would definitely recommend it.

**Goal Accomplished**
Down 1 more inch on my tummy!
Increased Jog time (currently walking for 4 mins, jog for 1 min, repeated 3 times)

Goal 1: Down another inch on my tummy and 0.5 inches on my thighs and butt(those haven't changed yet)
Goal 2: Increase workout time. 4-5 intervals.

Shopping Spree: Day 6 of 14

"Where there is a Will, there is a Way"

27 noviembre 2009

November 26 2009
Today was good and bad. Good because I finally got into get my finances a little more inline. And I got in to see the dentist and book apts to get everything finished. And I did get a decent workout in. But so bad, because of the horrible foods. I was on the run all day so I ate crappy, then I had a work dinner at a chinese resturant. But it wasn't a buffet so I pretty much got whatever they brought out.

Vance comes home tomorrow!

I worked lots of yoga stretches into my warm up and cool down so I'm covered for the Yoga Challenge. For the actual workout, I did 5 min walking, 1 jogg, 5 walking, 1 jog and 5 walk. I had to stop there, my lungs were burning. But its twice what I did yesterday! So there is that goal met!

Goal: Repeat todays work out tomorrow. Hopefully, with less burning!
Goal: Down 1 more inch on my tummy next week!

Shopping Spree: Day 3 of 14

"It is never too late to become what you might have been."
-George Eliot

25 noviembre 2009

November 25 2009
I was in Edmonton this weekend. We found my friend's wedding dress. And a tiara and veil. We also really like an Alfred Angelo bridesmaid dress. I am hoping to try it on tomorrow.

Lots of crappy food and alcohol this weekend. Like I expected. But I just took my measurements and I am down 2 inches in my tummy!

And I can now steadily jogg for a whole minute. Which doesn't sound like much. But with my asthma and such, this is like a baby taking its first steps. Yay!

Vance has said that he will buy me a 50 gift card for a store of my choice if I work out everyday for 2 weeks. So far I am on day two, and I just finished on the treadmil.

Shopping Target: Day 2 of 14 :)

1) Increase jog time without hurting my lungs by the end of the week.
2)Drop 1 more inch from my tummy by next week.

"If you get up one more time than you fall, you will make it through"
-Chinese Proverb

16 noviembre 2009

November 16
I don't know how this has happened. I was 148 on thursday, 147 on friday and I'm pretty sure I saw 145 on the scale yesterday. But I haven't been eating so well this week. Most of my homemade meals were good. But I also had a flatbread pizza from Quiznos and we went out for breakfast buffet yesterday (including french toast with whipped cream and strawberries and eggs benedict). I also had 7 beer this weekend. 4 of which were last night. Thank god for Bud Lite Lime. LOL!

I don't get it,but I'm not going to push it. I am thankful for the loss and I will get back on with good foods this week. And hopefully I will start the treadmill and yoga again. Its been months.

Vance is gone, working out of town all week. I will meet him in Edmonton on friday at my friends place. (The reason for 4 beer last night) Its been a long time since he had to work in a different town than we lived, so its going to be rough again. But I am hoping to use the time to my advantage and use the time to get some Online schooling done and get into a workout routine.

My original goal was 145 by friday. I have a feeling I will be ahead again this week :)

Goal: Work out tonight!

12 noviembre 2009

November 12
I need to stop changing my weight on here whenever it changes on the scale. This weeks weigh ins look odd. But I was an even 148 this morning. Woot Woot! Thats tomorrows goal!

Earlier this week when I hit 150 again, I think that was a mis-hap with salt. I usually avoid the stuff like the plague. I retain water really bad. And generally, not being able to take off your rings isn't a good thing. LOL.

Hope things are going well for everyone!

Breakfast: Yogurt and All Bran Buds with a few crushed walnuts.
Snack: Wasa Fibre crisps and Laughing cow cheese.
Lunch: Salad with black beans, peppers, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and fake crab meat with fat free italian dressing. Grapefruit cup. A few snap peas and cherry tomatoes dipped in Roasted Red pepper hummus.
Dinner: 2 Grilled hamburger patties with Cheese and Mustard. Cucumber and grilled mushrooms.
Desert: Dairy Milk 100 cal almond chocolate bar

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Goal: Maintian 148 or lower tomorrow!

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