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01 diciembre 2011

Just working... Not overly happy with my food intake right now... i don't have any heavy whilling cream so I am having to use half and half in my coffee and tea. it is freezing in this office (I think they are trying to kill me or give me pneumonia) and I have to have the tea :( I just can't drink it without cream and splenda in it so - bad food choices. At least it is Thursday :) I'm so ready for the weekend!!! And they say being cold burns more calories so - instant exercise :)

I understand that they are coming to the house to cut down my trees in the next couple of days. So sad as I love my woods but boy will it be good for my finances :) And really, I am not in the business of woods walking - I gotta have grass and pastures for my bucking bulls. I am so hoping things will start getting on the right path for me. 2012 can be a great year if things go the way they have for the past few weeks. regardless, it is going to be a great year because I am under more control. I feel much more like my old self and I am looking pretty good. it is amazing to me that I could look at myself in the mmirror this morning and say that i was looking rather pretty. Amazing I tell you. I have always hated to see myself in the mirror. Always thought I was really ugly. Now - Im so much more comfortable with myself. Im not ugly. I really mean that when i say it Very different than my normal self. Maybe I had to get into my late 40 to find myself or something... who knows. but I can say that I starte this journey and this hournal with the hope that i could improve myself in many ways - weight, self confidence, spirituality health.... everything. I feel I have been successful with everything but health. I feel really good about that. health will come. I know it. My stength of character is much better and eventually, i will find some way to strenghten my body. Maybe the horse will be the caatalyst I need.

i did not mean this to be a reflective journal - guess it just became that. There is a song that discusses the fact that you can learn to love anything and you pick your poison. I think that is true. I had picked the poison of eating and feeling bad about myself. Now, i am picking me. Eating right is not always easy... but I can learn to love it. same with stong self esteem. I can chose to have a good one. I can learn to love myself. not sure how many years it might take for me to really love myself but I am on the right track for certain. yippee

30 noviembre 2011

I have to share something with you all - it is not pretty.

As you know, I have had severe 'going' problems. Severe I tell you. not hing worked even the stuff the Dr told me to take. Anyway, a few weeks ago I was at Viatmine world and was talked into tryin one more thing. it is called the Cleaner. it worked. it worked well. not diarrea or anything just goo old fashioned 'going'. i took it for 7 days and then stopped. i started taking the probiotics that she said i would have to take once I stopped. They work!!! Im still going. Almost every day! I feel so much better and wanted to tell you all. I had tried so many things and nothing worked. I was feeling bad and sick and all yucky. I feel so much better now. I have more energy and am waking up before my alarm clock. it may not be related but I can't help but think that maybe my body was so full of crap that it could not absorb all the good things i ahve been putting into it for all these months. Anyway, hope this helps someone.

30 noviembre 2011

it s nice Wednesday morning. My first week back to work is almost over - Yippee!! Yesterday went great food wise. Work wise - not so much. I made somebody mad. Had no intention of doing so and did nothing wrong. but I feel bad about it. I had a meeting monday with 3 people to discuss my audit and get a handle on areas that might present some risk. that is what we do - figure out where the risk is and look closely at that area. Anyway, normally the financial folks are involved in the meeting but there was no phone and I did not invite them. Yesterday morning, I wrote up a synopsis of the areas where I saw some risk and sent it to the financial people. I did not include the people from the meeting because they were there and knew what was discussed. Well apparently the financila fellow got excited about something and shot an email to one of the people who was in the meeting. That person in turn got angry and then another person had to come talk to me about it. Apparently it was seen as stabbing the guy in the back. Well I explained the process and that I was not saying anything was wrong - just that I needed to look more closely at some things. Then I had to email my boss and tell her I stepped in "it" again. Of course she agreed that i did not do anything wrong and we all hope it will blow over. Sometimes you feel as if your dealing with children. This guy I pissed off is very high up in the organization but must be insecure. I have left many audits where someone had been fired before I left or right after I left so maybe there is something going on here. Who knows. Anyway, the rest of life is pretty decent. I have big plans for this weekend. My friend is coming to visit and we are going dancing. Probably see some bull riding and go to the cutting horse competition. My friend is doing great with 2 of his horses and I am hoping they both make it to the semi finals. I so love watching those animals work. I posted some videos on facebook but have no clue how to post them anywhere else. But the bottom line is - if you like animals, watching a cutting horse work is a treat. Those horses are so talented and athletic and smart and beautiful... They are simply great. The cool thing is that a cutting horse pretty much works the cow himself. The rider just hangs on. now the rider may make some subtle pressure with his legs - nothing you ca see - but mainly, it is all the horse. I guess you can tel by this i am crazy for them. My friend is selling me one or two and i hope they get to go home with me this trip My other friend gave me a saddle. I am so excited about it. This is a $2K saddle and they GAVE it to me. I ama just beside myself with happiness. I love this horse and am so ready to start taking riding lessons. My DD says I just need to get on him and ride ut i want lessons. I want to really learn how to ride and then i want to enter some cutting competitions. That would be a dream come true. And the coolest thing is - i am well on my way. I have 3 friends who are experts in the field. 2 are in the cutting horse hall of fame! I feel so blessed.....

Hope you all have a wonderful day :)

29 noviembre 2011

I'm Back!!!

Vacation was a good one and now I am back to work. WOE went fine but I did not record anything. I was even on track for Thanksgiving! I think I am doing OK but with no scale - you never know. I confess to going overboard after thanksgiving day. Not that I ate wrong - just ate too much and basically in the wrong way. by that I mean - I did not eat anything all day and then had dinner which turned into a constant graze until I went to sleep. I know this is not good and have stopped it as of yesterday. I am back on plan and started by recording my food this morning and eating breakfast this morning. I did not put splenda in my coffee and am doing well. The difficult part is that the dear darling is with me for the next 2 weeks and he does not like the fact that I tend to eat the ame thing every day. I like eating the same this - I don't have to think too much about it but he gets tired of it. oh well - he may have to eat alone :)

Hope everyone is doing well. I have missed you guys!

09 noviembre 2011

Where have I been? Life is busy throwing me curve balls again. I have been so busy with work that I have not been able to even think about a journal entry. Certainly have not been able to read up on my friends lives. I am sorry for that.

I am trying to stay faithful to my WOE and as far as I kjnow, I have not strayed. But I have also not recorded everything as I normally do.

As you may know, I tood the Cleaner stuff for 7 days and it worked. I lost the weight i had gained and then some. I am now taking the probiotics and added Acai berry pills. I have been waking up about 4 AM everyday and feel energetic rather than desperate to hit the snooze button.... not that I could as my alarm is not set until 6 but you know that feeling I am sure. I am hoping this is something that is related to geting all the 'crap' out of my body and the good things I am putting into it. Maybe after a year I am actually experiencing the energy that some people get with this WOE. Wouldnt that be wonderful!!???

Anyway, I am still very busy at work and trying to get ready for a 2 week vacation. if you don't hear from me - I will be back. if I am not, those of you who have my contact information - PLEASE bug me!!! I need this site and don't want to lose the great things it has added to my life. But as we all know, habits can be broken no matter how wonderful they are. So - just in case - if you don't hear from me - please make me come back :)

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