Diario de wassonc

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27 mayo 2012

I can breath again!!! Ran three miles Friday, and then had a really fun night with some friends and had a few drinks- but still stay right at my upper calorie limit so whatever.

Yesterday and today I was able to sleep in. This is the first weekend in over a month that we haven't had to travel. As much as I love, love, love seeing my family- it feels really nice to have a stay-at-home day. Hubby, puppy and I took full advantage of the stay at home day by being lazy and watching TV.

And I made chicken and mushroom kabob (sp?). And I took a picture. No idea why but here you go... lol

It was so yummy and the whole meal was under 250 calories! Marinated some thin sliced chicken breast and whole mushrooms in a water, garlic, cayenne pepper, and basil mix, then put them on some metal, reusable skewers and wrapped them in some tin foil (with some of the marinade/water stuff) and threw it in the oven at 400 degrees for 45 minutes.

Oh yeah- stepped on the scale and the number was 109.8! Yeay, I am back under 110 lbs. So, so happy for that.

Yesterday I didn't run, not because I didn't want to but because it was literally thundering and lighting all day. So this morning I went for a run- and there are several good reasons why I should not run in the morning, and why I will most likely never be a morning runner.

1. Everyone else apparently runs in the morning. I run on a nature trail and in the afternoon, while there are people out there, I am usually more likely to see birds, chipmunks and deer than I am others. In the morning everyone is running, biking, walking, etc.

2. Everyone was saying "hi" and "good morning" to me. Don't get me wrong, 99% of the time I am a very lovely person who would be like "Hey! What's up?". But when I am running and sweating, wearing no make-up, smelling like BO, with my clothes drenched in sweat I really don't want to say anything to anyone. I don't even want people to notice me. I rather just that everyone leave me the heck alone.

I am not a "social exerciser". When I am sweaty and gross, I want to be left alone.

And who goes running in jewelry (we are talking sparkly, dangling earring here)? Seriously.

Okay, last reason why I will most likely never be a morning exerciser:

3. I can't think in the morning. When I run at night, I unwind from the day, focus on my achievements that I had, forget the stress, day dream, and I really enjoy it. In the mornings, I have no energy, I have nothing to really think about, and I couldn't care less about running.

I only ran two miles this morning, at 10 minutes and 40 seconds per mile it was not a fast run but it did feel nice to at least get out there.

I will probably do another run tonight, but that is all for now. Hope everyone is having an awesome three-day weekend!


26 mayo 2012

Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
49,8 kg 9,2 kg 4,4 kg Bien
   Agregar Comentario Perdiendo 1,0 kg a la Semana

25 mayo 2012

Did some light yoga/pilates last night. My nose/sinuses were so stuffy that I could hardly breath. Still I did about 15-20 minutes so that is something. I did play rummy with hubby last night, which involved a lot of laughing and smack talk. Surely that burns calories... does anyone know how much laughing and smack talking burns? Anyone?

Ate healthy all yesterday, which is a good thing because I have a feeling there will be alcohol in my near future, lol. Really hoping that some friends will be in town so we can hang out and play games.

Does anyone else have a guilt pleasure TV show? Mine, without a doubt, is the Real Housewives of New Jersey. I don't know why but I am addicted to that show and can't get enough of it! I have some friends who love Jersey Shore, but I can't get 10 minutes into one of those episodes.

Any other RHOJN fans out there? Or any Real Housewives fans in general?

Ah well, not much else to talk about- I am exhausted because some jerk decided to show off his motorcycle.... while it was on (and one of the louder motorcycles that I have heard)... in the parking lot right outside our window... at two in the freaking morning!!!

Have a fantastic day everyone!!!

What I am happy about today:
- food, food is so darn yummy!
- card games
- Friday (means I get to wear jeans at work)
- bloat weight going away
- friends
- the snooze button on my alarm
- the Spotify program on my computer so I can listen to music (hello Snow Patrol)

24 mayo 2012

It's raining and thundering and I love it!! Good start to a Thursday, managed to walk to work before the storm hit, I have my coffee, and I am slowly waking up for the day.

Boy was it hard to get out of bed today. I think I was coughing most the night though, I kept waking myself up. Was debating going to the doctor- but it is just a really annoying cold with no fever or anything so I don't really see any point in missing work to have someone tell me to rest, drink water, and get plenty of sleep.

I did go for run last night, 3.12 miles at a pace of 9 minutes and 8 seconds per mile. By run I mean it was 80% power walking with a few minutes of running sprinkled in there. It sounds nice, but I was still struggling the whole time. The run itself didn't even give me the usual gratification that exercising normally does. But I did it, and I was sweating like a piggy at the end so I am sure that I did a good workout.

Hubby and I watched a horror/sci fi film made in Norway about a Troll Hunter that was pretty good last night. I am loving the random stuff that we are able to watch via Netflix that otherwise we would never be aware of.

Calorie wise I went over by 21 calories, but since I did go for my run and I almost never go over calories I am not going to be upset about it. For some random reason I was craving waffles yesterday- I had a waffle for breakfast and dinner. Oh well, I my appetite seems to finally be back to normal this morning, had my morning shake and grabbed some cottage cheese for the office.

Hope everyone one has a fabulous Thursday!!


EDIT (I forgot to put down what I am happy for today! Silly me)

What I am happy about today:
- my buddies on FatSecret, I love reading your journals (and I do even when I don't have time to comment on everyone's)
- rainy weather, I love it. I really love running in the rain- so fun!
- Coffee, coffee, and more coffee.
- Hot curlers that cut getting-ready time in half when you are too lazy to get out of bed when your alarm goes off
- My hubby who was in a really good mood this morning (what a weirdo, lol)
- My puppy who managed to wake me up with his sneeze that was so big it shook the bed (he is only 20lbs) when I kept hitting snooze

23 mayo 2012

So instead of running last night I decided to stay in, curl up with the hubby and puppy, eat a huge bowl of ice cream with toppings(yeah, I recorded it- accurately even) and we watched/read a Swedish movie about an anti-Santa Clause who had a ton of old, naked, wrinkly men as elves (what did I do before Netflixs?).

That's close enough to exercise right?

Meh, whatever. I was in my calories for the day and my throat was so sore from the head cold that the ice cream felt AWESOME. I still call it a good day.

There was something I read on a forum here that has been bugging me since I read it yesterday....

**fair warning: chances of a rant ahead are very likely guaranteed**

Somebody posted something about "Diet Snobs". For the most part I think that dieting is a lot like religion- I am thrilled for you when it is working for you, but no- I do not want a ten minute long speech about how it is the only way or else you will burn in hell. Or get fat. Or even worse, go to hell and be fat for eternity. Considering the "diet and health" industry pulls in billions of dollars annually, I think it is safe to say that there is no one magic pill/workout routine/diet/hocus pocus/mantra that solves everyone's problems.

That being said- as someone who actually does get very, very sick if I eat gluten, this "gluten free diet" fad is ticking me off. First off, hubby and I do tend to eat healthier than other's my age- but that is because we were poor grad students when we found out that I couldn't eat gluten so we stuck to the cheap and easy stuff that turned out to be more natural; potatoes, rice, eggs, milk, fruits, veggies, etc.

Eating a pack of gluten free chocolate chunk cookies is not healthy and will not cause you to loose weight. I tried it- no dice.

Ok, moving on there was something else brought up in the particular forum that has happened to me and I have left a previous site because of it to come to FatSecret.

Everyone needs support for healthy living- even once you are at your goal weight it is a daily decision to be healthy and the best you can be. Whether you have 100lbs to lose or 10lbs to lose, everyone deserves to share their issues (in fact, I have yet to meet someone who has a lack of issues) and receive support. Being a shortie, only five feet, I tend to not even talk about my weight with others because when they hear how low my goal is they assume I am talking about some incredibly low weight that is unhealthy.

Guess what, 130lbs is overweight for me. And it felt overweight.

Should I receive less support because my goal is so much different? I don't think so. Again- this site I have not experienced this but I know there are some others out there that do deal with this. It sucks. For the record, I love giving support to everyone, and am happy everyone is in a different place- it helps me remember who is who (lol, not even kidding here).

So if you are a meanie, stop it.

If someone is being mean to you, be my friend and we can talk about how sucky it is when people are mean :)

** rant over **

If you seriously read all that, give yourself a cookie. Or a cup of coffee. Whatever's close- seriously. I just wanted to get that off my chest, and say thank you to all my buddies and people who give their support- you are pretty much the bomb-diggity.

I really wanted to squeeze the word "diggity" in there somewhere. It's staying.


Things I am looking forward to today:
- Thunderstorms!!! I love, love, love thunderstorms
- I woke up early enough to chill out in bed for a bit
- Finally going to get somewhere with this one project at work :)
- If the storm is not thundering and lighting up the sky I will go for a run (for real this time, no ice cream. Well, it's a 50/50 on the no ice cream part)
- Hubby and I found another odd, foreign, horror film that we want to watch tonight.
- Comfy PJs
- My old sweatshirt (which is actually a new-ish sweatshirt because my old one finally all but went up in a puff of busted seams and worn out jersey held together with a decade worth's of stains)

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