Diario de wendyeriksen1

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03 enero 2017

Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
114,5 kg 8,1 kg 24,5 kg Poco
   (1 comentario) Ganando 0,4 kg a la Semana

20 septiembre 2016

ITS ALL ABOUT INTEGRITY - and it's not about failure!

Last time I was here I shared that "Failure" as defined in the dictionary, is "A breakdown in the Area of Performance" - yet for some silly reason, when we get it "wrong" we all make it mean WE are the failure. Making ourselves the failure is a "disempowering context" or view.

Did you know it's possible to set yourself up for failure?

See if you can identify with this. You set your goals for the week, didn't get them done, made yourself wrong for it and made it mean you are a failure - especially if you put on weight. So you try even harder next week for the same result - another failure. Now you feel miserable and want to give up. After several weeks of this you now you have it that YOU are the failure, I am always the failure, I am no good at losing weight - and so it goes!! In fact, each week you "fail" you have more evidence to support your story that you are a failure! So might as well eat more chocolate - after all if we're going to be fat we might as well be fat and happy!

As a personal coach, I KNOW some of you will identify with this.

A couple of weeks ago, I took on coaching a number of people doing community projects, I also took on driving a friend of mine in to Melbourne in the morning and picking her up each night on Friday Saturday and Sunday, while working night shift and a few business appointments as well through the week etc. And I still planned to do the same amount of exercise that I normally do (which is starting to grow)and stick to my food plan. Well, how do you reckon' that all went?? About 2 days into my week when I missed my first of 4 gym sessions it occurred to me that my INTEGRITY (being my word)was about to take a hit. There was no way this was all going to happen and I even went over my calorie limit on 2 days because I was grabbing food at takeaways etc. The point is, I set myself up for this.


So I "failed" to get it all done. Am I a failure? NO. Am I responsible for the failure? YES! We can come up with all sorts of reasons why but the absolute straight of it is that if we don't do what we said we were going to do, we are 100% responsible.

So, I then took a look at what was missing that would have made a difference? Knowing I had a massive week coming up, I probably should have planned my week a bit better - maybe by cutting down the exercise I was going to do that week and I think planning my eating times a little better would have made a difference.

So last week, I really took on planning my exercise and meals in and around everything I have to do and what do you know - I got it all done.

I know you all have work and family stuff going on and we sometimes have absolutely no control how our week turns out. But take on having a look at what worked or didn't work in the past week as a way of empowering yourself, have a look at what was missing that might have made a difference, have a look at what you have to do this week and then plan around that. And it will either work or it wont, so do the same again the next week. This is a far more empowering context to live your life each week don't you think?

This week, I am taking on the following

Staying under 1900 calories per day (down from 2000)
Completing 3 gym sessions this week as follows;

Treadmill 25mins then 4k row then 100 stepups
Treadmill 20mins then 2k row then 100 stepups - would like to get this set to a 4k row as well
Back Ext 20 - up from 15 last week - try to increase to 25
Situps 25 - up from 20 last week
Bench press 20 x 20 - up from 1x30 last week - might try and increase the weight a bit as well
Leg Press 2 x 50 @ 46kgs - up from 1x100 at 40kgs last week
Pulldowns 20x20 @ 27kgs - 10 reps up on last week - was 1x25
Squats 20 - up from 15 last week
Plank 45secs - up from 35-40secs last week

Thank you for letting me share with you.

Listing my goals for the week brings them into existence and has me be accountable to you.

Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
108 kg 14,6 kg 18 kg 100%
   (5 comentarios) Perdiendo 0,9 kg a la Semana

12 septiembre 2016

Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
109 kg 13,6 kg 19 kg Bien
   Agregar Comentario Ganando 0,4 kg a la Semana

08 septiembre 2016

ITS ALL ABOUT INTEGRITY (& I'ts not about failure)

It's been really nice to get a few private messages from others who have found what I am sharing, helpful.

I am not sharing to make anyone wrong, it's just that I have learnt a lot on my coaching journey and as long as people are open to looking at what I share - I am happy to keep posting what I know. Sometimes it challenges our established thought processes and I understand that - different things work for different people - all I ask is that you keep an open mind and accept my posts as my humble contribution to this community.


I don’t think there’s a person alive who has never “felt like a failure” at some point. Inside this experience of being a failure, we come up with an incredible amount of “reasons” – some we use to blame ourselves – I am not good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, not fast enough, not strong enough – you get the idea. But I invite you to consider this: Our reasons occur for us as real and so we have no issue using them as an excuse for giving up because we believe them, usually as a result of things that have happened to us. There's a bit more to it than this but I am just keeping it simple. It's a weight loss site, not a deep therapy session:-)

Sometimes we use our reasons to blame everything else but ourselves – we try and allocate the blame in order to “validate” ourselves – we blame the weather - it’s too hot, it’s too cold, we blame our equipment, we blame our food manufacturers for putting in too much sugar etc – (chocolate makers are excused) and this way we don’t have to be responsible.

How do we deal with “being a failure”. Would you like a breakthrough in this? Here goes...

If you look up a dictionary and look up the word failure, it describes it as a “breakdown in the area of performance” – it says nothing about us/you being a failure. It doesn’t say it is the word used to describe someone who can’t achieve what they set out to do. NO!! It is a breakdown in the area of performance. What it means is you just didn’t hit your target. That’s it!!

Yet for some reason, we have this apparent need as human beings to make this “breakdown in the area of performance” mean WE are the failure. We are not a/the failure yet we cuddle failure like it’s out favourite childhood teddy bear. It may be that we are responsible for “not hitting the target” but that does not make US a failure.

So, if you are struggling a bit and feeling like you are failing or even feel like a failure, then consider you are just a normal human being who didn’t hit the target. It's a much more empowering way to look at your weight loss journey.

So, when there is a breakdown in the area of performance – the thing to do is look for what was missing that might have made the difference and then make some changes. Hindsite gives us 20/20 vision!

It applies in any area of life, but for those of you who are struggling a bit and disempowered, then given we are on a weight loss site, my request is that this week, if you don’t hit your target, instead of feeling like a failure or that YOU have failed or just getting down on yourself, I request that you have a look at what was missing that might have made a difference.


06 septiembre 2016

ITS ALL ABOUT INTEGRITY (It's not about right or wrong)


Well, I haven't added an entry for a couple of weeks but I have been planning my work and working my plan and getting the results I want - sometimes even more so. Has it been easy, no - just like everyone here I struggle to follow my plan, but follow it I do.

It's been great to get some feedback and even private comments about what I am posting. As I highly trained personal coach, I am committed to sharing what I have learned as my way of contributing to people like me trying to lose the kilos and get fit. So, I hope you are open to my contribution and take it in the spirit it has been offered. There is no make wrong intended. And, you can take it on, or not. Up to you.

Integrity is being your word, and it's about workability. A break down in keeping your word to yourself or anyone else is not "right or wrong" - it's not about morality. Not sticking to your plan is not "right or wrong". Consider the following "it just doesn't work"

If you don't have a structure for success, you are going to find it terribly hard. Planning your work, writing down your goals, brings it into existence. One of the reasons people avoid doing this, is because when we don't do it or stick to it, we make ourselves wrong. Making yourself wrong is a "disempowering context". We come up with all sorts of reasons, we beat ourselves up, can't be bothered, becomes to hard, I am no good at this, I was too busy, didn't have time. Consider these reasons are all inside of our "being disempowered" Not committing to paper gives us an "out". The second reason we avoid it is because we don't like being held to account for not doing what we said we were going to do. It's why we won't put a time on something and why we avoid any sort of commitment. Otherwise, we feel we leave ourselves exposed to being held to account - ouch!! Who's lovin' that??

Think about this for a minute because this goes deep: "Whenever we quit something, we always have a reason. How else would we be okay with that we broke our word to ourselves or others" Pretty deep, but let me ask you this - do you have a reason or justification for each time you quit, give up, don't stick to your plan, don't do the exercise you said you were going to do? We all do - it's called being human.

So, what's your structure for success? Failing to plan is planning to fail. Do you have a structure for success? For me, I do a couple of things. I carry a small A5 note book. In it I have the calories of all the foods I normally eat and I record everything each day. At the bottom of each page I have my exercise schedule. This size fits in my handbag so I take it everywhere. Secondly, I post what I am up to so you can all see what I am up to - it keeps me accountable to not only myself, but to you others on line. And thirdly, share what you are up to with the people around you. You will be amazed at the support you get - the people who really matter most just want the best for you. Having them be a part of your journey gives you the freedom to choose differently when you are out - especially around meals and alcohol.

This week I am committing to the following (What are you committing to?)

Stay under 2000cals per day
Fill out my food diary every day and track my calories

Complete 1 circuit of the following 4 times this week
Treadmill - 25mins & 20mins
Rowing - 3ks & 1.5ks
Step Machine 100 & 100
Back Ext (Roman Chair) 15
Sit ups x 20
Bench Press 30 x 20kgs
Leg press 100 x 40.8kgs
Underhand Cable Pulldowns 20 x 27kgs
Ball squats x 15
Plank 45secs
All up - about 90mins.

Thank you for reading this. I hope something I share makes a difference to you.

Writing this down brings my goals into existence and has me be accountable to you.


Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
108,7 kg 13,9 kg 18,7 kg 100%
   Agregar Comentario Perdiendo 0,6 kg a la Semana

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