Diario de martinigirl987

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29 julio 2010

Today I completed day 5 at the new job. Woohoo And today was the first day I felt like I accomplish stuff. They don't train and hope you understand what they're talking about. It's been helpful both my bosses are out of town this week, but next week..... if they start throwing stuff at me that will be confusing.

Still don't have any "buddies". That's ok. In time. However I realized today that I can't complain about my bosses either, as in normal chit chat about your boss... even if I do have a buddy. I'm the CEO and COO's assistant. There's not even anyone at my level at this place, which explains why I can't get trained. The other executives are in the UK.

I have also been very faithful at drinking 9 cups of water a day at work (and 2 cups on the way to work). This is a huge change for me considering I was drinking 2 pitchers of crystal light a day! Now I get all the crystal light I want when I get home, which is usually only a glass or two.

No exercise this week. That makes 2 weeks in a row. With my foot and new job... it's just not happning this week.

I've been sleeping soooo good. Working makes you tired! lol Who knew!

I think I only have 2 carbs left for dinner. But that's ok. I think I'm going to make Lemon Pepper chicken tonight. YUM Haven't had that in a while.

Oh... and I'm LOVING my steak wraps for breakfast. Steak Sandwhich meat - cooked/grilled. Then I roll it up with cheddar cheese in the middle. That's my breakfast. I make a few at once and put them in the fridge, individually wrapped. So easy to pop into the microwave and eat.

Ok.... time to catch up on some stuff. And plan tomorrow's outfit.

28 julio 2010

Yawn. Working is wearing me out! When did it become so hard to work? LOL

Crap, it's almost 9:00???? Geez.

I get home at 4:30 from work - which I like. But the time has gotten away from me! What have I done?? Ummm changed clothes. Picked out my outfit for tomorrow. Gave the kitties love. Made dinner. Ate. Watched 1 show. Cleaned the kitchen. Made breakfast, snacks and lunch for the next 2 days. cleaned the kitchen again. And here I am.

I have just enough time to watch 1 show (Big Brother - guilty pleasure) and go to bed.

I think I have too many snacks for tomorrow. But they're all veggies, small salad. So that's not bad. Especially since I've been below carbs lately.

Ewww just looked up at the tv to see this cooking show... the guy is sitting on the table and has MAJOR camel toe! Sorry, had to put that in there.

Ok, one more internet search.... I want more recipes for MIMs. I don't like the one I have. I need something else.

Have a good night!

27 julio 2010

26 julio 2010

I survived day 2 at the new job! Yeah. Shouldn't be too hard, this week my managers are out of town. Today was kind of slow and boring. I'm waiting to get access to stuff.

So far at this place not one person has become my buddy. Show me the ropes. Invite me to lunch. I ate at my desk by myself... again.

Tonight I need to make more snackies. I was hungry today.

Typically I drink about 1.5 - 2 pitchers a day of crystal light. Yeah yeah yeah, it's not healthy, blah blah blah. I've been drinking it for years. I'm addicted to it.

So today at work - I brought my own cup (not sure if I told the cup story - no one would lend me a cup on Friday to get something to drink)..... so anyways, I brought a water.... what's it called.... not jug, well maybe jug. It holds 3 cups of water. So my goal is to drink 2 of those a day at work of just plain water. And I did today. :) So I am officially drinking WATER. Now that I think about it, it's probably less than 6 cups, because the first filling has ice. Well... it's water.

So today I did a lot of reading online and had to fight to keep my eyes open. I'm not liking getting up early! lol But I am liking being home by 4:30pm. That's nice.

Tonight i'm firing up the grill. Burger for dinner. I'm also grilling steak sandwich meat for a snack and I'm going to make cheese roll ups. Tonight I will be having carrots. Not on induction... but I have a lot of frozen carrots in the freezer. I have the carbs left to have a serving of carrots and broccoli. So I am. :)

Last night I couldn't fall asleep so I was reading Linda's menu site, lots of good stuff on there!

I just experimented with MIMs. I made a garlic bread one. I ate half now and I'll have half as a snack tomorrow.

Tonight will be some tv and going to bed early. I'm exhausted.

25 julio 2010

Well I'm nearing the end of the day and I still have 13 Net Carbs and 1300 calories left for the day. I have no idea what to eat. The next 2 weeks will be very lean on veggies. I only have a little bit and I have to wait until I get my first pay check.

So... what to eat tonight. I only ate chicken for dinner. Well, I grilled a bunch of chicken for lunch for the next couple days. I made my breakfasts as well. But once I was done... I had to force myself to eat some chicken for dinner. Eh.

Now... I've been vegging on the couch watching tv and I saw a whole show on pasta and mac and cheese. In the past when it was TOM I would eat an entire box of Kraft mac n cheese. And still be hungry afterwards!!!! Now, I still want to eat it, but I resisted. Wasn't even an option.

I also looked online at how many carbs are in a bagel, specifically Panera. I use to buy a dozen Asiago bagels and freeze them. And every morning I'd eat a bagel. 55 carbs! Holy cow! And my new job... what is just down the street? Yep, Panera!

Ok, with that, I need to iron my pans for tomorrow.

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