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21 marzo 2009

Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
71,7 kg 0,5 kg 8,2 kg Bien
   Agregar Comentario Perdiendo 0,1 kg a la Semana

14 marzo 2009

I have been doing really well diet wise and otherwise too. Poor as hell still but handling it better I guess. I'm actually taking a new medication for depression that is also directed at my OCD and it is helping more than I could have hoped for. I have been more motivated and not feeling helpless and not lashing out at Evan either.

On the diet front, I have finally seem to be passing and staying passed the 159 mark which is a milestone for me and I haven;t even been kicking my butt to do it. Evan commented on how I am just so much better at stopping when I am full and making good choices. I am also starting to feel good about how I look...FINALLY. It's mazing how fat I feel at 165 and how thin I feel below 160. That 5 pounds is some crazy thin line for my body, and I hope to never see it again!

So, I'm very hopeful and optimistic. Love you guys for your support!
Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
71,8 kg 0,4 kg 8,3 kg 100%
   (3 comentarios) Perdiendo 0,6 kg a la Semana

11 marzo 2009

Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
72,0 kg 0,1 kg 8,5 kg Bien
   Agregar Comentario Perdiendo 0,1 kg a la Semana

02 marzo 2009

A lot has hit me the past several weeks. My grandmother passed 3 weeks ago and I have been having trouble coping with life since. Losing her was really hard, and having to miss a week of school to attend her funeral is wreaking havoc on my life and it's starting to snowball. I know we're all having our share of money problems, but it is getting harder for me to not get upset when I think about how how I am going to pay the bills. We have 61 cents in our bank account right now and for the first time we could only pay half of our rent. The hubby got some bookings this week but there is no way to know when they won't be there agin and we're so behind. It's hard to fathom because we have been living on so little and it is finally starting to affect my school work, which is the one thing I have going for me right now. Sorry to bum you all out. I'm grasping onto this loss and hoping it will motivate me to workout, but I know that the only reason I've had a loss even is because I have been skipping dinner the past several days because there's no food to put on the table. I'm so glad that we don't have any kids yet.
Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
72,2 kg 0 kg 8,7 kg Poco
   (3 comentarios) Perdiendo 0,1 kg a la Semana

04 febrero 2009

<a href="http://www.pfpchallenge.com"><img src="http://www.pfpchallenge.com/Images/PFP_JoinMeBadge.gif" height="108" width="267" border="0" alt="Pound For Pound Challenge - I took the pledge to lose weight and help feed those in need - JOIN ME!" /></a><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://widgets.clearspring.com/o/4923379b59a36435/4989cd1e0963f5dc/4923379b59a36435/35799eae" id="W4923379b59a364354989cd1e0963f5dc" width="1" height="1"><param name="movie" value="http://widgets.clearspring.com/o/4923379b59a36435/4989cd1e0963f5dc/4923379b59a36435/35799eae" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="allowNetworking" value="all" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /></object>

They donate a pound of food to a local food bank for every pound you lose and record on their website by April 1st.

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