Diario de ChristyLA

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10 junio 2015

Wow...an all-time low! Also at 27.1% body fat. Almost 3 lbs in 4 days is from being active and exercising more. My body loves exercise! :)

Weighed myself this morning just to see where I'm at, because I'll be going for my skin-removal surgery evaluation (first appointment to discuss it) this afternoon. Kinda excited. Of course, wish I didn't have to have it done in the first place :/

Btw, the "golden rule" of 1200 calories a day minimum is crap. Believe me or don't believe me, but I feel that I should say it. I used to believe it too, as well as "eat your exercise calories." But think about it, if you do that, you're not reaping the rewards of the burned calories from the exercise.

As far as the "magic 1200," who came up with that rule? Someone did and we all believed them. But where is the basis for that "fact"? If there is one, it comes from someone in our nation where 2/3 of the people are overweight or obese. So is that really good advice? Or is the advice we are given keeping us heavy?

Don't believe everything you are told or read. Much of it are myths or theories passed on that have become common "truths." If you recall, all of these "truths" end up changing and something else becomes the new "truth." So what you're believing now will likely become a false belief in the future. So do what makes sense to you. And above all, Listen To Your Body. If you're not hungry, don't eat just because some "rule" tells you you should (because your metabolism is going to slow or because your body "needs" the food). Your body is wiser than all the tips out there. YOU know what's best. If you listen to your body it will tell you what's good for it and what isn't.

So I've been listening to my body and eating super healthy, and due to this, I'm below the 1200 calories/day mark, regularly. Should I eat more just to fulfill this "magic number" even though I'm not hungry? No. Is my metabolism going to suddenly slow Way down because I'm below this number? No. I'm feeding my body whole, organic foods that are meant for my body, and eating the amount of food that my body needs. As long as my body gets the nutrients it needs, my metabolism won't slow. Don't believe the myths. But also don't eat crap, because THAT will affect your metabolism. It's not the number of calories that your body responds to, it's the nutrients (or lack thereof).

Just remember that the "1200 per day" rule is advice from an overweight/obese, unhealthy nation. So is that advice you want to listen to if you want to get to a healthy weight and a healthy body?

Have a good day! :D
Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
68,8 kg 29,2 kg 0 kg 100%
   (14 comentarios) Perdiendo 2,1 kg a la Semana

06 junio 2015

Looks like I'm at another plateau. It would be nice to lose more weight, but at 5'7" I'm fine with this weight. Once I get the excess skin removed I know I will look great, because I workout and have been for the past 3 years.

Although, I want to workout more than I do. I would like to do 5 workouts a week, but right now I'm only doing about 4 and they're not as intense as I'd like. And some days I'm really sedentary because of my desk job, so I really need to get my workouts in and be highly active on the days that I don't workout.

My biceps are very muscular, so I don't want to do any more weightlifting at this time. I would like to continue with running - improving my performance and doing races - and yoga/body weight exercises for strength and flexibility, as well as continuing to stretch with every workout.

My focus right now is mostly on my eating (IF, modified Paleo, organic whole food, listening to my body's level of hunger/fullness/thirst, eating slowly and small bites, etc.) and my activity and workouts (a balanced, consistent exercise plan that includes strength, cardio, and flexibility, and being active as much as possible).

I already walk as much as I can - for local appointments and errands - and I always take the stairs (never the elevator), but I'm thinking that I can do more, like park at the far end of parking lots instead of searching for the closest spot (out of habit and the convenience of parking close). I think this would be easy to do and a good habit to have.

I can also, of course, take more breaks from the computer when I'm working, by getting up and walking (and doing things) around the house, or going for a walk around the block. That would make a difference in my activity and stress levels. But, honestly, I feel kind of lazy, because I like using the computer, watching movies, reading, and I try to do things as efficiently as possible to reduce the amount of work it takes. But, fortunately, I have a lot of motivation to workout and stick to healthy eating.

Making sure I relax or meditate daily (preferably both) is definitely a good thing to do too.

Maybe these ideas will help some of you too :)
Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
69,9 kg 28,0 kg 0 kg Bien
   (3 comentarios) Ganando 0,1 kg a la Semana

19 mayo 2015

I was sick with a head cold for a week after my last weigh-in. The past two days I've been able to resume my workouts. I ran 1 mile on Sunday, walked 1.5 miles, and leisurely walked another 2 miles or so around my neighborhood. Yesterday I lifted weights, did strength exercises, yoga moves, stretching, and used my massage roller (total of 50 min). Today, weather permitting, I will go for a 3 mile run.

It feels GREAT to be back to working out. I totally missed it. It also feels great to see the scale still steadily going down. It's great to see those low numbers, but it's even more rewarding to look in the mirror and see a slimmer, fitter me looking back. The fat is falling off me and the muscles showing through now that I've figured out how to give my body what it needs, and my mind being all for it. It's like they're working in sync now.

It seriously IS a journey, and during it I had to be flexible, try new things, learn what works for me, even do some research. Along the way, I became a health nut. I now can honestly say that I enjoy (love) working out.

Recently I have freed myself from my food addiction. Over the last 3 years, I've eaten healthy, but I still was tied to food - it had a pull on me, being more than just sustenance to me. But now I'M in control of my food, rather than the other way around.

It's taken a long time to get to this point, but I stuck with it and didn't give up. It's a very slow process if done right, to allow the mind to change. Because weight loss (and fitness) is very much mental, the mind must change along with the body for it to not be a struggle to maintain.

I didn't rush the journey and wasn't impatient. The journey is the most important part of getting healthy. Don't let it pass you by. Learn as much as you can during it. Eventually you WILL become that naturally slim person you've always wanted to be, and no longer the overeater who loses and gains the weight over and over again. It requires a change of mindset, not just lifestyle. My prayers are with you that you will achieve this. Take care.
Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
69,8 kg 28,2 kg 0 kg 100%
   (6 comentarios) Perdiendo 1,1 kg a la Semana

10 mayo 2015

Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
71,2 kg 26,8 kg 0 kg 100%
   (8 comentarios) Perdiendo 0,0 kg a la Semana

06 septiembre 2014

Much of this weight loss is due to water weight, because of my doctor's order to water fast, but it's nice to see nonetheless. I read some books on fasting and there is actually quite a bit of fat loss during it, since the body goes into ketosis, which means it's burning the body fat for fuel.

The reason I'm doing the fast is because I have GI Candidiasis, which is yeast overgrowth in my GI tract that has also affected other parts/processes of my body. I was really sick. Doing a "cleanse" should kill the candida and clean out my GI tract, and afterwards I should be healed (with the help of some supplements when I start eating) and be able to start fresh.

I'll be doing the Paleo diet (but no fruit or starches) after I break the fast. I'll be slowly reintroducing foods to see what agrees with me and what doesn't. I'm looking forward to doing the Paleo diet, because I always thought it seemed to be a really healthy way to eat.

Additionally, I've lost 4.75 inches in the last 3 weeks, which is great to see.

I do not recommend an extended fast unless instructed by your doctor. My doctor has checked in with me every day to see how I'm doing, which I'm grateful for. It's nice to let him know how I'm feeling.

I'm planning on doing Intermittent Fasting after the complete fasting ends, by not eating late at night and not eating breakfast until 11 am or 12 pm. I read that fasting is good for the health and the body, because it gives the GI tract a break from digesting food. Plus, the digestion process requires the most energy by the body, so the body is not able to cater to other ails in the body.

The fast has made me calmer. I'm less stressed, uptight, and on-edge. I was really round up before, but now I have more control over my emotions. I even make time for resting, and doing nothing but a little contemplation (kind of like meditating). I hope I can continue this lower-stress lifestyle afterwards.

I will be transitioning very slowly to eating. Plus, because I have a GI problem, I'll be observant as I introduce new foods, so that I won't experience pain - from eating and not eating - like I was.

I'm very leery of talking about fasting, because I know it's a very controversial topic. Plus, I was against fasting until I started working with my doctor. So please be assured that I only did it because my doctor prescribed it to me. He practices functional medicine, which is not traditional medicine, so he has different solutions to body ailments.

I was only able to get in 2 leisurely walks this week, both of which I did during the fasting. I'm actually proud of myself that I've been able to go days without food, when before I had a hard time going for 3 hours without eating. The fasting has made me realize that I can live without food and that it doesn't have to control me.

I'm not sure when I'll be breaking the fast, but I'm over the detox symptoms, so I'm hoping it will be this afternoon/evening. I wish you all luck with your health pursuits, and I hope you will understand that I did this to improve my health condition, not to lose weight. Take care.
Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
72,5 kg 25,5 kg 0 kg Bien
   (25 comentarios) Perdiendo 3,0 kg a la Semana

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