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01 junio 2014

31 mayo 2014

A WOW! for today (Adam's Words of Wisdom)

Follow though.

I have always said it takes Dreaming - Planning - Motivating - and Acting.

Or simply:
Dream - Plan - Motivate - Act

The one thing that really makes me have to "check my re-actions" to my friends and the ones around me is when I see the lack of "Motivating" and "Acting" going on. They tell me over and over what they plan to do. They tell me of exciting things they are planning. They share their dreams with me. And later - "it was just all talk."

It is easy to dream and get caught up in dreams. You can dream while you sleep or while awake. Dreaming is wonderful. It gives you hope and makes you remember all those great plans you had for your life. But you must listen to your dreams and use them to make your plans. Or else it is just "pipe dreams" and you might as well just be asleep.

It then is easy to start planning. Making lists. Researching the best methods to lose weight. The best travel services to take that trip. The best classes out there to improve your skills.
You can also get caught up in planning. I have several acquaintances that never get past this step. They plan and plan. They write journals full of "to do" lists and "bucket" lists. I ask them when they are going to start the plans, and they always tell me that they want to "tweak" it some more and make it perfect before they begin. But the point is - they never begin.

It is easy to motivate and but not so easy to keep the motivation going.
You can wake up and say "Today is the day!!!" You believe it. You are excited. You feel you can "conquer" the world. But then the phone rings. The kids need to go to school. The dogs need walking. The laundry has to get done. And before you know it - your motivation is gone. Other things have taken your attention away. Other things are now the priority. The air has run out of your motivation. You have done everything for others and nothing for yourself.

And to act! That is tough.
Without motivation - there is no urgency to act.

You must find the motivation to act on your dreams. You MUST follow through.

Or else you end up with a pile full of dusty and faded "to do" lists and you once again look at your life - depressed - and wonder what happened to all your dreams.

Don't let step 3 or step 4 fall through the cracks.

Each step is just as important as the others.


That is how you will succeed and that is how you will make your dreams come true and make the life you want!

30 mayo 2014

A WOW! for today (Adam's Words of Wisdom)

Let your friends know about your goals. Let them support you in your efforts.

Make friends and keep them.

If you have friends, you have greater opportunities for growth and self-development.

Friends make society a better place to live. You will lead a happier and more satisfying life.

In every situation, human relations - communication and personal interaction - are vital. They keep your spirits up. They give you strength to keep going and stay on track.

Choose your friends wisely. Keep the ones who are "really there" for you. Drop the ones who are only friends because they need something from you.

Keep good company and take good care of them.

You need to initiate and nurture friendships and contacts with many people, both within your own intimate circle and in society at large. Your life will open and be enriched to the extent that you do so.

29 mayo 2014

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