Diario de Evie1010, 26 sep. 11

I've got something on my mind. Felt it might be a benefit to some - perhaps a newbie on the site who is just beginning to muster up the courage to begin a new way of eating. This is for you. Perhaps it is a seasoned member of this site who has had some disappointments, or seen a lack of motivation to continue, or they're just plain irritated with their scale or themselves. This is for you. Perhaps there is someone reading this who totally fell off the wagon -- not only did you abandon post and neglect your WoE, but the weight crept back on and you are at a place you never thought you would be....again. This is for you.

I love this quote: "We will remain the same until the pain of remaining the same outweighs the pain of change." ~ author unknown

When we come to a point that we're sick and tired of being sick and tired, then we are ready for change. We realize that pain of remaining as is - as we are - is greater than the pain of changing our lives. We come to a point when we can courageously capture the idea and make a decision that will forever change our life. We take responsibilty for what needs to be done -- and we do it. We don't come into this with a wimpy mindset - "I hope... I'll try... I might..." Rather we have grit behind our heart/mind. We have robust mental fortitude and we declare, "I can. I will. I must." Big difference is in those words.

Another quote I love is "A made up mind diminishes fear."

The problem with some who wander upon this site - who make a valiant effort to lose pounds, yet give up before too long, or before they begin to reach their goals -- is they simply have not come to a point in their life when they've made up their mind. Nor have they declared the decision. They still have yet to come to the point where they draw a line in the sand and say, "No more."

It's only when we reach that point that will ever begin to have the courage and resolve to make it happen...and to change our lives.

What was that point for you? When was it that your mental hinge swung from "I hope..." to "I can."...from "I'll try" to "I will"...from "I might" to "I must."

For me it was July 2010. I had observed a woman from my church put on a good deal of weight following a back surgery she had a couple of years ago. The clothes she was wearing were contsricting and quite dated. I knew I had many beautiful clothes hanging in my closet that I could no longer wear. If I couldn't enjoy them at least I wanted someone else to. I invited her over to try some clothes and take what she wanted. She was ecstatic. There were gorgeous suits and dresses, and some professional blouses still with the tags on. Boxes of high-end sweaters. She tried them all on and opted to take everything. As we stuffed two giant (garbage) bags full of my lovely articles and began to overflow a cardboard box with my garments, a tremendous feeling of grief came over me. Not because I was giving them away - I was happy to do that... It was simply because I could no longer wear those clothes...and it was such a waste. The clothes were still in their prime - but I was so far from mine.

It was shortly after that day that I decided I needed to take charge of my life - I needed to adopt change in my life. I knew I was addicted to some carbohydrates - but I had no idea that my body was intolerant to excessive carbs (until I began reading/researching. I learned what ill effects my body was dealing with from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome...and the sheer fact that carbs had a lot to do with the onset of PCOS.) Although I knew that there were foods I most certainly did not want to give up (carbohydrates!) I just knew that something had to be done. In just a matter of weeks I had begun my low carb lifestyle...and just one year later, I've seen so many dramatic changes...not only in my weight, but in ME.

The girl who used to be motivated, positive and courageous -- is BACK. The girl who had boundless energy and spirit -- is BACK. The girl who was tenacious and hard working - even earning a pink cadillac as a top director with Mary Kay - is BACK.

Not only have I lost 60 inches in body mass (from bust to calves), I am also rid of aches and pains. My eyes no longer hurt. I never get winded from ascending the stairs. I actually run down the stairs. My joints never hurt me anymore. I sleep wonderfully. I never snore. My hair is shinier and brighter. My nails are thick and long. My energy and stamina are increased. I am no longer depressed and forlorn. I can hike/walk/jog without feeling dead, dragging or drained. I'm happy.

I would never trade my energy for bread--or even Red Lobster's Cheddar Bay biscuits. I will not trade my lack of cravings that I enjoy today for something as stupid as a potato chip or a cookie. I refuse to swap my zest for life for baked lasagna. Cheating is not worth it. Succumbing to temptation is not worth it. Giving in is not worth it. I'm changing my life. And while I still have a long way to go, I will get there. There is no doubt - no matter how long it takes. I made up my mind one year ago while staring at the empty, gaping holes in my closet - where my lovely clothes once hung. That day my closet looked like a hollow cave. It was that day that pain of staying the same outweighed the pain of change.

What was your moment? When was it you came to a meeting of the minds with YOURSELF? When did you make the decision? The sounder your decision the more concretely will follow it. The stronger your will the more stable your motivation will be.

No one will rain on my parade. I will go up, I will go over, I will go around, I will go through any obstacle that comes my way. Because I am highly motivated, extremely dedicated and super successful...YES!

What are you saying "YES" to? Change? Or staying the same?

Ver Calendario de Dieta, 26 septiembre 2011:
1751 kcal Grasa: 118,52g | Prot: 93,38g | Carbh: 63,51g.   Desayuno: The Ultimate Cheesecake Pancakes, Sugar Free Syrup, Calorie Free Sweetener, Green Tea, Everyday Turkey Bacon, Unsalted Butter Stick. Almuerzo: Tap Water, Onions, Cucumber (Peeled), Green Peppers, Chunky Bleu Cheese Dressing, Carrots, Turkey and Vegetable Casserole. Cena: Baked Pumpkin Custard, Water, Evie's Unstuffed Cabbage. más...


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I love this entry..... 
26 sep. 11 por el miembro: BeautifulYno
THANKS BeautifulYno! Can you share "your moment"? 
26 sep. 11 por el miembro: Evie1010
See you lost another pound! Great motivation - we all have decisions to make no matter where we are in our weight battles.  
26 sep. 11 por el miembro: BuffyBear
Yes ma'am Buffy! It all starts with the six inches between our ears. Thanks for stopping by!  
26 sep. 11 por el miembro: Evie1010
Thank you so much for the motivation. I too have reached my ability to make changes. I have decided that I deserve to have the healthiest body and I no longer have to settle. It is so easy to be complacent and so hard to make changes. I just recently started back and I had a minor set back over the weekend but with the help of the great people on this site; I have FORGIVEN myself. I am now focusing on how to avoid that from happening again. Great advice and motivation for us newbie’s and please continue with the support. 
26 sep. 11 por el miembro: BeaugezD
Evie, where were you a couple of months ago? I made my decision and did really well unitl I had some things happen and I had a major set back. I am finally comeing out of the dark hole I fell into and am ready to begin again. Thank you for posting this. It made me want this even more. I think I'm going to print this and when ever I feel that I'm falling again I'll re-read and be able to pick myself up again. 
26 sep. 11 por el miembro: davidsmom
Davidsmom, I can't tell you enough how happy I am that the journal entry helped you. Consider yourself hugged, friend. I'm proud of you for wanting it, declaring it, deciding it, and doing it. You will, too. No doubt in my mind. I have enough belief in you for the both of us - -and when you lack belief in yourself, you can just lean on my belief for you. Love you! 
26 sep. 11 por el miembro: Evie1010
Beaugez, you got it! So pleased you felt motivated and encouraged by what you read. To your success! Evie = ) 
26 sep. 11 por el miembro: Evie1010
Evie, what a motivational journal, very encouraging & positive ! Keep up the good work :) 
26 sep. 11 por el miembro: notfast
OH MY WORD, GIRLFRIEND!!! Can I relate??? YUP! Most people know my story on here by now... journaled it many times... but just reading your journal took me back to that moment in the T.J.Maxx Dressing room on New Year's Day, w/ my daughter on the other side of the door...saying, "mom, what's the matter?"... and me standing there bawling. I had looked up from the floor and caught a glimpse of my face in the mirror, and literally saw my 'fat' sister staring back at me. I looked just like her. Plus I was trying on size 18's at the time ... and while that may not be much for some, I had never worn above a 14 ... ever. (even pregnant.) So, it was a MOMENT - for sure. A defining moment. I dried those tears, sucked it up... and got the heck out of that store. I went home, stripped off my clothes (cause you have to weigh naked at that size!) ... and stepped on the scale. I wrote it on a sticky note and stuck it to my bathroom mirror. 205 lbs. 1/1/09. NEVER AGAIN! and signed it! Then I left it there ... it's still there! :) But I'm not. My kids, my husband, all of them.. ask me, Mom how long are you going to leave that there? Forever, if I have to... but for now, I need the visual. It keeps me motivated. Loved your journal today, Evie. Great Job!!! Great Journey!!! Great Friend!!! 
26 sep. 11 por el miembro: jsfantome
I love your journal entry. People on FS are so amazing, thank you. 
26 sep. 11 por el miembro: edsontrace
notfast, I am so pleased you were encouraged by the journal entry. Thanks for taking the time to read and especially respond. It means a lot - so glad it was helpful to you. = ) 
26 sep. 11 por el miembro: Evie1010
edsontrace - I agree with you! The folks on FS are amazing! I am so pleased my entry gave you a boost of motivation. Here's to YOUR success! Welcome to our wonderful community! SO glad you are a part of all the fun. = ) 
26 sep. 11 por el miembro: Evie1010
Thank you so much for sharing your journey Evie, that will be a fantastic help to old and new FS friends alike. It really does take that last resort thing. For me it was last September flying home to England for a family wedding, I had to ask for a seat belt extension. It was so devastating my absolute worst moment. My red face puffing and panting just trying to make the belt meet. Thankfully I was with my DDaughter who is and was most loving to me, she is my biggest cheer leader and encourages my every step. (I love her so much) When I got back still in shock and looking at those wedding pictures where I was so huge at 289lbs I just couldn't believe it. So Thanksgiving I finally started on the road to getting healthy. But since Feb 2011 when I started on FS it has been all the wonderful friends that have helped me every step of the way. I know I never would have done this without you all. I know my success is with all your help. This is such a wonderful post so heart felt and true thank you Evie and {{{HUGS}}} I am sending to you.  
27 sep. 11 por el miembro: Yvonne19
Wow Evie. inspiring. Thanks 
27 sep. 11 por el miembro: Helewis
Great entry Evie. Change is difficult but necessary. I don't know that I had such a powerful defining moment, but my 100% motivation, decision to change came a week or two ago. Reading a lot of Paula's entries and just trying to figure out why I was so complacent, content with where I am. My husband "loves me just the way I am" other friends can't accept that I want/need to lose 31 pounds - "you look fine" "you'll be too thin" and then I realized that they aren't involved. This is a decision for me. I'm tired of accepting myself the way I am, because I don't accept myself the way I am! I'm discontented, I'm uncomfortable in my clothes, I am not happy with me, and I realized that this particular goal is the only one that I have not reached in the last 18 years. I am a go-getter. I ALWAYS reach the goal that I have set my mind too - whether it's career oriented, craft oriented, volunteer oriented - everything - I am the type of person who succeeds. Who overcomes challenges. Except this one. With this weight loss goal, I ALWAYS settle. I ALWAYS give up. I ALWAYS decide that this weight is okay. Well, it's not okay. I decided two weeks ago that I WILL do this. I WILL meet my goal. And no one, not even I, can stop me. :)  
27 sep. 11 por el miembro: HeidiG
@Heidi, I enjoyed reading your response to my journal. Thanks so much for sharing. The way you described yourself in the state-of-funk is exactly like I was. And, your description of your REAL-self is very similar to me, too. (Hmm, have I met my cyber-twin?! :D) I love your passion and drive...You have a made-up mind. I'm hearing you loud and clear, girl; I believe with all my heart that you will do what you say you will do. Cheering you on to the finish line! 
27 sep. 11 por el miembro: Evie1010
Hi Yvonne! Thanks for your thoughts on my journal. Enjoyed reading what you had to say. Thanks especially for sharing your moment of crisis that lead to decision..and change. And MY what a change you have made!! = ) I too remember the days of seatbelt extensions...but, praise God, NO MORE!! That is history! You keep on running your race! We are blessed with such a supportive family here on FS! Your ultimate victory will be yours!! 
27 sep. 11 por el miembro: Evie1010
Helewis, I was delighted to receive your buddy request. I'd be truly honored to buddy-up with you. So glad this journal entry encouraged you. (((Hugs))) 
27 sep. 11 por el miembro: Evie1010
Paula, thanks for chiming in -- it is always great to see before and after pics---but even more amazing to hear before/after stories. I love it that you keep *the* post-it note, written in your moment of crisis, stuck to your bathroom mirror - even now. I have one such momento, too - a horrid picture that shocked me into reality. Couldn't believe I had gotten that big. It is attached to my dresser mirror -- as my *Never Again*. I love you Paula, and I thank you for being my friend - a true friend in every sense of the word. And please be in prayer for Jim re. job search. With the new church plant he needs another FT job to sustain us until the church plant can take care of us.  
27 sep. 11 por el miembro: Evie1010


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