Diario de redwinelover, 04 nov. 10

128 exactly this morning...good enough, I guess, for 15 days out from surgery. Yes, definitely getting better! Although today I had to shower and get dressed to go pick up a couple of prescriptions. First time I've driven. It went okay, but realized someone had driven my truck almost dry. Stopped at the gas station and ended up putting in 16.963 gallons of gas in a tank that holds 17 gallons including the "reserve". THAT would have sucked. Both kids in class, husband at work, one neighbor in CA right now, the other out at the ranch where she boards her horse, and the other friend probably watching her grandchild. A test? Is that what this is?? Anyway... tried on probably 10 pairs of jeans trying to find a pair that would button at the top. Still pretty swollen, apparently. Finally found a pair that almost fit and forced the zipper up. Probably not the wisest move, but I so did not want to go out in stretch pants again.

Okay, so last I wrote about the surgery, I was just going in. Or going under, however it was...so foggy. The next thing I remember I'm trying to talk to my husband. And I hear him talking and I hear my daughter talking and I'm trying to answer questions, but no sound is coming out of my mouth. I think the nurse told me it's okay, I probably won't have a voice for a while. I'm pretty sure all that was in the recovery room of the surgical center. Then I was transported to the recovery center itself...through the parking lot. I only have a slight, patchy memory of this... remember the really nice nurse of the morning (it was dark out now) and then someone else. Don't really recall the ride over, itself... I think I was on a gurney, but can't be positive. Then I'm in this bed and being propped up and pillows put all around and under my arms and my legs and the bed adjusted some. And then my husband and daughter again... I think the nice nurse from surgery... I'm pretty sure it was then, but she was telling me to make SURE I did NOT let anyone -even a nurse - pull me to an upright position using my arm(s). She said, do it the bear hug way and bent way down and had me reach around her neck and just hold on as she straightened up. Funny the stuff you remember. And they'd warned me that the drugs given with the anesthesia would cause amnesia, even for a day or two after and NOT to sign anything (lol)during that time. I kept trying to talk, but don't think I got any real words out. I felt okay then, sort of beaten up, but medicated. Nice cloud. Then I was out of it... don't remember if I was awake when visiting hours were over or not. Next thing I know, I'm awake and in PAIN. I mean PAIN! I don't know what to do...in this big room all alone, door pretty much closed. Can't remember if/where a call button is. Drugs definitely wearing off. Finally the nurse comes in and I'm trying to ask her for medication. She sits me up. Says it's time to walk - her and another nurse. I'm thinking...oh yeah, they told me I'd be up a couple of times that night. I'm trying to tell them pain, pain...I think it finally got out. They were like, Okay, lets get you up first. Yeah... GOOD thinking... so I'm up and the walk me straight into the bathroom. I'm looking at them like Why here? One of them tells me I'm supposed to pee. I said, I don't have to. Oh, well just sit her for a minute and we'll walk you back. So I do. And then I'm being walked (felt like dragged...did they NOT understand I was barely conscious??) and put back to bed. Tears now. The getting up and down really hurt like hell...especially on top of already being in pain. So I get a blissful dose of demerol (I think) and then a sharp poke in my shoulder. That was a blood thinner. Why couldn't it be put into the IV? Hmmm... I think by the sixth or seventh shot by day two, someone told me it had to be intramuscular... but don't know for sure. All I know is by the fifth shot in the same damn area on the same shoulder, even THAT was in pain. I'm out of it and then come too again and in pain. A nurse is coming in and I tell her I need something for pain. She told me she couldn't give me anything, it hadn't been four hours yet. Suddenly I'm pissed off and crying because of the pain and the "betrayal" by nice nurse of the surgical unit...the one that ASSURED me I would be "uncomfortable", but not in pain. That was a load of crap. I HURT. Pretty much from my neck to my knees. So I wait, sure the night nurse or her sidekick would come back at the appointed hour to give me some pain relief. Kind of doze in and out, wake up again when one of them walks in the room. I'm crying. She asks why I'm crying and I said I hurt. She looks at her watch and says, well, it's been five hours since you had any pain medication, I'll give you something. Comes back, gives me the shot and within a couple of minutes I'm out of it again. Next thing I know, it's light out (I can see it around the drawn shade) and everything on my body hurts. Two nurses come in... different from the night ones. These two are smiling and seem cheerful. Then one notices I'm hurting and comes over. She gives me something and after it takes affect, she says, we're going to switch you to Percocet. I'm really upset all of a sudden. I'm thinking, hell, the GOOD drugs knock me out and then I wake up in pain... that's why we paid the extra $650 for a second night... so I can be attended and have good drugs! They assure me that although the demerol is fast acting, the Percocet will give me a better and longer range of pain relief. I'm like, okay. I start to feel a little better. These two nurses are really nice. Ask me what I want for breakfast? I'm thinking... what? no menu to circle choices on? She says, Would you like some eggs, or cereal or oatmeal or some fruit, some toast, juice, coffee... tea? I'm thinking Wow, that's pretty cool. So I asked for some fruit and some oatmeal. She asks if I'd like some tea...they have some peppermint tea that she really likes. I said, sure, sounds great... a little honey? A bit later she walks in with this tray, beautifully laid out with cut up fruit and the oatmeal, I think some toast, a little carafe of the tea, and a little pumpkin floral arrangement. I hear very faint music in the background.. soft, soothing stuff. I took a couple of bits of the oatmeal and of the fruit and started on the tea and in walks my surgeon. So he's asking how I'm doing and at the moment, I WAS fairly comfortable. Being taken care of, medicated... life was good. So he wants to check things out and the nurse is holding this big mirror and he's checking out his handiwork. Opens the surgical bra and the compression garment, then has the nurse hold the mirror up. My first look at my new breasts! My EYES just about popped out. I mean, I had the steri strips on the nipples and all the incisions... but holy cow... I had a pair of BREASTS on my chest! And nice looking ones at that! At least, from what I could see. I was totally surprised by this. I mean, we'd discussed size and all and he told me that because of all my issues (skin condition, lack of elasticity...blah, blah, blah...etc. etc. etc) that he would not be comfortable going very large for me - saying I might need a lift again sooner, something about the amount of breast tissue to cover the implants or something. And I'd also opted for him to use Strattice with the lift/augmentation ... a "material" made from pig's skin with all the animal's cells removed or something. Anyway, they use this and it's human cadavier counterpart very often in reconstructive surgery. He'd offered it up, saying it wasn't "mandatory" in my case, it DOES add significantly to the overall cost... each sheet alone was something like $1500, plus it added an hour to the surgery time, which means an additional surgical fee (by the hour), additional hour of the OR, additional hour of anesthesia and the anesthesiologist and the surgical nurses... so it added something like 5 grand to the whole thing. At first I thought it was ridiculous, but even my husband thought we should go for it. His reasoning? It will probably last a lot longer and give me more of an internal lift. It acts as an internal bra, so it does make sense. And as a benefit, it would also allow me to go "slightly" larger than my surgeon originally wanted to go, so it was a good choice, in the long run. Originally I'd told him I was hoping for a full D, or what I thought might be a full D using pictures. And originally he said, No... how about a full C? After we decided on using the Strattice, that's when he said, well, knowing you want the Strattice, I will feel more comfortable trying a slightly larger implant... how about a compromise between the two and shows me two women's photos and said he'd aim to get me somewhere between the two. I agreed and laughingly said... aim on the HIGH side. So I wake up to these BREASTS on my chest and am just ecstatic! Exactly what I was hoping for! He could see my absolute joy all over my face when I saw myself in the mirror. And, being a plastic surgeon already proud of his work, looked very pleased by my reaction! Even the nurse there said, Wow, nice breasts! Of course, they're probably trained! lol... So pain? WHAT pain?! I had BREASTS... Oh, then he's showing my my belly. Okay, nice, but after boobs??? ha ha ha... He starts pulling the steri strips off my belly and has me take a peak... Does this bother you? I'm like, nah... I saw so many photos online over the months... pretty much what I expected it to look like. Now mind you, I do NOT have my contact lenses in, either...so for all I know, I'm a mess! But seriously, laying down from my own perspective, my tummy didn't look horrible. It was only standing up, with that lovely gravity that everything started to drape like a set of swag curtains. So the belly was nice, but I was just overwhelmed with my breasts. He'd also told me that the surgery had run 9 hours and he had to stop. He said that was on the way outer limits for elective surgery, and we HAD actually discussed this previously. We agreed that if he ran out of time, the area to skip would be the bit of lipo on the inner thighs. So, 9 hours of surgery and he wasn't able to get to that. But hey, I forgive him (I have BREASTS). Oh yeah, and he had told us prior to surgery that they always bill for two sheets of Strattice, because often it's necessary to use one on each side, but that he'd been successful at times getting both breasts done with one sheet. And if that was the case, we would be refunded the cost of one of the sheets... so that should be coming back and the cost of the lipo of the inner thighs will be refunded, too. At least, I don't think we are responsible for the additional half hour of surgical unit, nurses, anesthesiologist, surgeon, etc... We'll see. It'd be great to get 2 grand back though...save that for my NEXT surgery! LOL... He checked out my thighs, but again, swollen and won't be very impressive given all the issues. And he told me BECAUSE of all my "irregularities" in my legs, he had to go in really deep. To try to make them not look any worse. (AGAIN with the brutal honesty!) And he said, And what I found is you have some really grisly fat. I asked WHAT does that mean?? He said, usually when you lipo an area, the fat is nearly liquid and just sort of flows out. YOURS was this tough, grisly stuff that didn't flow and I had to really work to get it out. Lovely, huh? Someone ought to teach plastic surgeons a little tact! LOL... Again, I forgive him (I have BREASTS)... can you tell I'm loving my boobs?? :D Well, anyway, he wraps me back up and says it'll be up to six months before I probably reap the benefits of the lipo on the thighs... and that's when I learned he hadn't gotten to the inner thighs (damn that tough, grisly fat!). Or, I don't know...I may have known upon waking from surgery the night before but don't recall. Anyway, it was a good start to the day, just seeing some of the results sure helped me deal with some of the pain. More later or tomorrow..Oh yeah... weight of my new breasts: 1.9 lbs. So I guess I'm where I was pre-surgery?


Wow, that is quite a journey. I completely understand how you feel about he pain. IT HURT A LOT!!!!!!!! But it was worth it. Sometimes wish I had done the boobs, when I had the money and didn't know that I could have such terrible complications. I am now much too scared and I am also much too broke. LOL I am so glad that you are feeling better and are getting up ad about. You are still wearing the binder, right? Follow the doctor's instructions to a tee. And don't force anymore jeans!! Wear the stretch pants until you are healed! Great job getting out and about, all by yourself. I would be willing to bet though, that you are very sore, and that by the time you got home, your back was killing you. Have a great evening, RWL, and I am glad that you are doing so great!  
04 nov. 10 por el miembro: ctlss
Thanks, ctlss! yeah, I'm tired, but my back is okay. I do have the binder(s) on...top AND bottom! And yes... the jeans were most likely a bad idea. Sure felt good to unzip them when I got back home. Been resting for the most part since. Yes, it is definitely worth the pain. Already if I had to do it again tomorrow, I'd agree to it! Hope you have a great evening, too! 
04 nov. 10 por el miembro: redwinelover
I am glad that your back is feeling good. I had terrible back aches. Of course, I also removed the binder before I was supposed to, hence my warning! am glad you are resting and taking it easy. How are the lungs and the upper respiratory illness coming along? Getting over it alright? And I would do it again in a New York minute!!  
04 nov. 10 por el miembro: ctlss
I want boobs, even a full B, so happy for you! The first couple days are usually a blur you surprisingly remember a lot. I think you are going to be so happy with everything. Hope you are drinking water it really does help with swelling. I hope you gave some hell about the gas tank, pet peeve of mine. Well keep your spirits up and ctlss is right about the jeans, but I am sure after an hour you couldn't wait to get out of them.:)  
04 nov. 10 por el miembro: MrsMtkr
Good Lord you've got quite a pair of Thelma and Louisa's there chickee! When I was prego, mine got up to a DDD and those bras were skin tight. It was like a chin rest. Lol. I can't imagine waking up and seeing brand new perky ta ta's! Yay you!!!!!! Loving reading the play by play on the surgery. I watch them all the time on tv. (with the sharpies too) I hope you even BETTER come Friday!  
04 nov. 10 por el miembro: Junebug7210
Ctlss... I don't mind the binder or a pair of spanx... I think they DO help make your back feel more stable. Doc also gave me a prescription for back spasms just in case ... nice doctor :) My lung thing seems to be gone, thank God (and all those prayers!)... still dealing with head congestion. Today seems better so far, since yesterday and the day before my ear would plug up almost immediately after sitting up (like when you fly or hit high elevation) and no matter what I would try, nothing would make that sucker pop. More annoying than anything. Must be a sinus thing... And yep, you and me, both! I told a friend last night that if I was to do this all over again in the morning I would do it!  
05 nov. 10 por el miembro: redwinelover
RWL, I just wish I had listened to the doc and left the binder on for as long as he said, especially for the lipo. My fat was gristly also....not sure what that exactly indicates, lol, maybe old fat. All I know is that when he told me that all I could think of was the gristle in meat..blech..! So I must be one tough old broad, huh? ROFLMBO!!! Glad that your lungs are finally cleared out..I have been dealing with the ear thing myself and it is so annoying, and when it finally pops it feels sooooo good! Take care of yourself, have a great weekend, and pictures???? Soon maybe????  
05 nov. 10 por el miembro: ctlss
hottagain...thanks for being happy for me! My one regret? NOT doing this a hundred years ago! Seriously, as silly as this may sound, I really think had I ever LIKED my body - breasts in particular, I would never have put on the weight like I did. I could be wrong, but I know my view of it is now - no WAY am I gonna get fat again and risk these babies! (or the nice, flat belly!) I feel COMPLETELY different about how I see myself and how I feel about myself. Shallow and vain? Maybe, but it IS what it IS! Apparently all plastic surgeons are in this program that offers financing- I didn't use it, but I think it's interest free....if you're serious about wanting fuller breasts, I would encourage you to do so when you're young and have tone and elasticity! Plus why wait an additional 20 years if it really WILL change the way you feel about yourself. Yes, I'm LOVING IT! And love my new belly button, too!  
05 nov. 10 por el miembro: redwinelover
ctlss... LMAO!! That's EXACTLY the picture I had in my head... that part of the meat someone chews on and can't quite cut through it and it ends up this nasty, gray mass on the side of the plate?... Pretty gross, but I have many childhood memories of that visual... no table manners at MY house, apparently! That's what I thought, too...nice, OLD fat?! I prefer to see it YOUR way....tough, old broads! LOL...Now, my guess is that it MAY be the "old" fat, the stuff we naturally put on and all the rest of it is "fluff", the stuff we added on getting heavier? I don't know... he didn't really explain it. Picture all these insults...I mean descriptions and explanations coming from a really good looking, young surgeon. I ALMOST didn't go see him because he had three strikes against him in my book - young, male and cute! .............so, do you think this ear thing is part of a virus or something going around? Someone at my husband's work also complained of the plugged ear and inability to pop it. Pictures... sure, once I heal some and the swelling goes down. Can't wait to show you my new belly button. It's really cute! I have to compliment him on his work there! Not rubbing it in... just was pleasantly surprised...looks like all incision is inside - I've seen some on the internet that look like a bullseye!  
05 nov. 10 por el miembro: redwinelover
Youngbug... even pregnant and nursing, my breasts never got very full! My daughter has very, very full breasts...to the point she will probably consider a reduction one day. Where'd they come from??? I'm blaming all that milk and dairy that has been loaded with rBST for years without having to label it as such! So my what I think is a D? No, not huge by any means, though I think I may adopt your name for them.... they DO seem to deserve names :D... AND that's one of my all time favorite chick-flicks! But... no chin rest for me! lol... but... I HAVE bumped them into things a couple of times and laughed! Thing is, dressed? I really look basically the same. Which is pretty much what I wanted... I didn't want people to look at me and say, WOW...SHE had a BOOB job! Ya know? :) But I know what's under that shirt! lol... thanks for being so happy for me and yeah...it was really a trip to look down and see those new ta-ta's and think... that's ME! Funny thing is, I see them and think of them as my "real" breasts (as opposed to the "cutlets" I wore most of the time! Those were my "fake" boobs! lol) 
05 nov. 10 por el miembro: redwinelover
RWL, yeah I was not a meat lover as a child, and made many a trip to the bathroom, austensibly to pee, but in reality to flush my mouth full of meat down the toilet!! I also remember those tough pieces of gristle that you could gnaw and gnaw on and they never went anywhere...the ear thing, I think, is the last vestiges of this viral upper respiratory thing that is going around. I feel pretty good except for that, but when it pops???? Oh, it feels sooooooo good. Such blessed relief. AS for the belly button, mine didn't turn out so well. You can really see the scar around it (or I should say I can), I don't let anyone else see my belly! lol Maybe next year I'll wear a 2 piece in the pool, but that will all depend on how well I do with this fitness-health thingy over the winter. Oh, and your description of cutlets, I prefer that to my old bananas! lol Thank goodness for padded bras with underwires, and extra support. 
05 nov. 10 por el miembro: ctlss
Amen to that! LOL... Oh, and I'll have to include a picture of my belly button once it heals...if it looks as cute as I think it does so far, I might even pierce it! LOL... so much for growing old gracefully 
05 nov. 10 por el miembro: redwinelover
Oh, I have thought about getting mine pierced also, when I get to my goal weight!! Maybe I will! 
05 nov. 10 por el miembro: ctlss
I have been having a lot of fun reading your journal and the responses back and forth between you and Stef. You two are a hoot. OK, my story is sort of the same and sort of not. When I woke up I didn't have the boobs to look at. They did put expanders in during surgery and started the filling in surgery. The expanders went under the muscle and each week starting 2 weeks after surgery, I went to the Drs office for a "fill". Each week for 2 months, they put in 50 cc in each side. The Dr. originally said he could not give me what I originally had as so much tissue was removed and they can only go so far with the stretching. Well, I was quite surprised at the very end. I ended up with a full C and coming from ---A after surgery, I was elated. Slowly they grew. Then when he reached full size, more surgery to remove the expander and slide in the implant. More healing. Then more surgery to create a nipple. More healing. Then tattoos to create the areola. So, hence 1 year later a surprisingly nice pair of boobs out of nothing. I have slight pockets under the arms as it is not a "normal" breast augmentation. But it looks pretty damn good and I am very happy. Nice and perky ~ LOL. They feel odd, to this day even, as I'm not used to something inside me, but it sure beats what I woke up to. I went thru the "OK, get up now and pee and walk, etc. I don't think I had NEAR the pain you did as a lot of nerves were cut in my process. I was on morphine and sick, sick, sick. Still have a lot of numbness. I stayed home for a long time and didn't want to go out. I did buy one bra that was really padded so I could look sort of normal until the surgery for the implants was done. Amazing isn't it what these guys can do to our bodies? I could have chosen to do the tummy flap surgery and that would have been a free tummy tuck in the process, but the healing is longer and I would risk hernias. So I elected not to. I didn't really need to go the tummy thing thank goodness. I never got too big in pregnancy, so did OK there. Well RWL you are going to do well, and it sounds like things are going well. I was afraid the first time I drove, to use my arms turning the wheel, etc. But, it all comes together. You will too. I am so glad you are pleased with the "after". As a woman, I understand we want to look our best. You deserve to have what you wanted. You have put in your time, so now do this for you!! Be well and keep getting better and better. I have a new nickname now for you, BB (big boobs) LOL!!!! 
05 nov. 10 por el miembro: The Next Number
Oh, NN I love it, BB!!! That is going to be it from now on!!! lol And believe it or not, I still have numb areas on my stomach, even after 17 years. Especially around my belly button. My surgery cut a lot of nerve endings, and they never grew back completely. It is wierd, becasue I can feel it deep down under the skin, but the skin is numb, so if my hubby lightly strokes my tummy, I cannot feel it. 
05 nov. 10 por el miembro: ctlss
Bookmarked. ;-) 
06 nov. 10 por el miembro: information
Ahhh.....Is THIS Journal available on Amazon???? LOL I have to say.....Ahhhhhhh RWL is BACK.....yippie.....WHAT a joy. And Im telling ya....sharing YOUR journey threw this? SO nice....and descriptive...MY surgery is scheduled for Monday ( ha ha ha....IN MY DREAMS).....despite the pain....the JOY really out weighs it, it seems. AND yes YOU deserve ALL the JOY in the world.....YOU SO DO!!! Okay....I have been a D....to me, stands for "DANG'....like DANG those look nice....OKAY I have now moved on to DD ....DOUBLE DANG......now Young Bug...and her TRIPLE D's???? That had to be a DAMN DAMN DANG!!! lol Thats scary....I will have to send her my sympathy.....ha ha. Anyway So happy with this journal gurl.....wow you made up for your absence..... ;-D And on the behalf of your fan club.....thanks for ALL the info....SO useful....serioulsy. YOU are a trooper and make US all so proud. OH and you left out your nick names for YOUR evening nurses.....he he he....or DO You not remember THAT????lol <3 :-D 
06 nov. 10 por el miembro: Klannoye
Sounds like you had a great plastic surgeon. Glad your beautiful boobs helped you get through the pain. Glad each day you feel better and better. Thank goodness you made it to the gas station! 
06 nov. 10 por el miembro: Multiplicity1
As I was reading your journal it seemed like a dream, I suppose we have to go through the bad dreams to appreciate the good dreams. Memory fades so I am glad you wrote down every detail as it will be a huge help for others who decide to go through this process. You are a trooper RWL. Please make sure we get to see a picture of you in your New Years Eve dress, as you have worked so very hard at perfecting and although some may not understand, or it may not be something for everybody, it is something you wanted and have earned. TOWANDA!!!!!!!!!! 
06 nov. 10 por el miembro: Lisa Online


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